#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Having trouble finding a date? Do women find you so dull, that they seem to avoid you at every turn?
Excuse my directness, gents, but it happens to a lot of guys – the same guys who are more likely to blame everything else but themselves.
“I'm too nice,” or “girls only date a-holes” are often the battle cries for these perpetually-single men. Gentlemen, I'm here to quash that idea once and for all.
Here are ten habits that are just horrendous turn offs for women.
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Click Here To Watch The Video – 10 Bad Habits That Turn Women Off INSTANTLY
- Deception
- Playing Mind Games
- Being Selfish
- Arrogance
- Being Passive
- Boorish Behavior
- Being Clingy
- Being Boring
- Ignorance
- Having Bad Hygiene
1. Deception
I wanted to start with this one for a reason. Gents, deceit is absolutely intolerable in a relationship.
Pardon me for sounding corny, but the only way love can flourish is with pure honesty. Whether you lie about picking up the groceries or outright cheating on her, the result is the same.

Don't expect her to stick around once she finds out you lied.
No woman should have to suffer a liar, and if you can't keep your story straight, that's on you, my friend.
2. Playing Mind Games
Manipulation is, without a doubt, an abusive behavior whether it's displayed by men or women.
But we're talking about turn offs for women here. Guys, listen up.
Do you play the victim whenever you don't get your way to pull sympathy from her? Do you make veiled threats about the stability of your relationship to get what you want? If so, you're manipulating her.

Men who play mind games with their women don't deserve them.
Not only is it deplorable by principle, but using her affection for you as a weapon against her is doubly heinous.
Shoot straight and true, gents. That's when you deserve a lady.
3. Selfishness
This is a big one – I've seen this come up a lot when women explained the reasons for leaving their men. In fact, it was especially common among divorced women!
That means that this one's a doozy.
It's essential that you look out for your partner's interests just as well as she looks out for yours. The door swings both ways in that regard.

Selfish men don't last long in relationships.
Are her gifts to you consistently superior to the flimsy book you get her every birthday or anniversary? How long has it been since you've thought about getting her some flowers?
These are little things that go a long way!
4. Arrogance
This may be a turn off for women, but it may as well apply to all of us.
Don't you just hate that one guy that's always talking big but doing nothing? He's always going on about his new car, his house, or even his clothes?
Never confuse arrogance with confidence.
I know that it ticks a lot of other guys off, so why are women any different? Put yourself in their shoes. You may just have to deal with him at work, but his girlfriend has to see that mug every day. Yuck!
Modesty is a strength, gentlemen. Arrogance only conveys weakness.
5. Being Passive
Time and again, I've seen the ladies attracted to men of vision and ambition. There's a reason for this!
Women enjoy having a man who's going places or is at least trying to get there. Even women with enough power for themselves find this to be nigh-irresistible.
Ambition is everything. Not simply to better your own station, but to enhance the respect your lady has for you.
6. Boorish Behavior
Manners maketh man.
Those words of wisdom were spoken by Harry Hart in Kingsmen, right before he beat the heck out of a group of hooligans.
I've seldom heard a phrase sum up so much in so few words, and it certainly matters when it comes to relationships.
Women do not want to feel as those they're dating a savage, guys. For starters, try making complete sentences without needing a curse word. Don't go around getting drunk if you know you're unbearable when you've had too many in you. Don't dominate the conversation when it's supposed to be a back-and-forth.
Just be civil – have the best manners you can, it's really not that hard. Look yourself in the mirror and ask “am I the type of guy Harry Hart would beat up?”
7. Being Clingy
When it comes to turn offs for women, being clingy is almost like signing the death sentence of your relationship.
Independence is attractive, gentlemen. It's important to have your own life apart from her – to have your own friendships, hobbies, and pursuits just like she does.

Spending time together is important, but so is quality time with yourself.
Otherwise, she's not dating a man, she's dating a parasite.
8. You're Boring
If you lack passion, drive, or can't hold a conversation right, then you might not even get past the first date.

Keep her engaged, especially on a first date.
Luckily for you, I've put out tons of content explaining precisely how to keep a woman engaged when you're talking. Believe it or not, the key oftentimes is to ask her questions about herself and let her go on. The more people talk about themselves, the more they'll like YOU.
9. Ignorance
We live in a modern age where tolerance is the name of the game. More and more women are rightfully finding ignorant men to be appalling.
What do I mean by this? I'm talking about racism, sexism, religious intolerance, and homophobia.
Intolerance toward other people and cultures is extremely unattractive.
ALL of these are the relics of a bygone era. They have no place in the modern gent's heart and none in the relationship sphere either.
10. Bad Breath
It's science: Women have an average of 43% more olfactory cells in their brains than we do.
What does this mean? Simple – women have a better sense of smell than we do. It also means that they can detect whether or not you brushed your teeth in the morning.
EVEN if you can't smell it yourself.
Take no chances – brush your teeth in the morning and at night. Make a routine for it.
It may even be prudent to take some mint gum or some mint strips to work with you. If you know you have a tendency to eat smelly foods, then take your toothbrush with you! Preparation is key!
Summary – Turn Offs For Women
- Deception
- Playing Mind Games
- Being Selfish
- Arrogance
- Being Passive
- Boorish Behavior
- Being Clingy
- Being Boring
- Ignorance
- Having Bad Hygiene
It's shouldn't be a mystery anymore – if you find that you repel the ladies like there's no tomorrow, you may have just found the cause. Remember, gentlemen, it's mostly about being straightforward and true with her about yourself and your goals.
Don't leave her hanging.
This article is brought to you by Skillshare – the online learning portal with thousands of courses on loads of topics. You can learn video editing, mobile photography, photoshop, app creation, investing, graphic design, and more.
These courses have amazing teachers – and they give you a chance to showcase your work! Click here to discover Skillshare and get two months free.
The post 10 Bad Habits That Are TURN OFFS For Women appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Antonio, Khareem Sudlow