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What Is Pineapple Penis (And How Do I Avoid It?)
For most men, shaving or trimming the facial area is easy enough to master. But the further south you attempt to take your razor, the higher the stakes get.
For starters, accidentally nicking your balls feels about a million times worse than cutting your face. Why is that? According to Dr. Gretchen Frieling, a Boston-based certified dermatopathologist, the skin down there is "particularly delicate, and there is not much separating the blade from your testicles."
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That means an accidental knick opens risks of infection, ingrown hairs and skin irritation. One type of irritation in particular, "pineapple penis," can be extra concerning. Not only does it feel terrible, it's also a bad look for that member of yours.
What Is Pineapple Penis?
Well, pineapple penis is pretty much what it sounds like.
"Pineapple penis occurs when a man completely shaves the base of his penis, and then his pubic hair begins to grow back," says Frieling. "In those first weeks after shaving, the hairs grow back bumpy, and remind you of the pricks on a pineapple, resulting in a pineapple penis."
These penile bumps can be caused by razor burn, as well as ingrown hairs. "You can get razor burn if you don’t use enough lubricant (like shaving cream or soap), shave too fast, shave too often or use an old or clogged razor," she adds.
The Steps to Treat Pineapple Penis
While pineapple penis will go away on its own with time, Frieling suggests a few things you can do in the meantime to alleviate the discomfort of it:
1. Remove ingrown hairs
After washing your hands and the affected area with antibacterial soap, apply a warm compress to the ingrown hair to help open the hair follicle to coax the ingrown hair closer to the surface.
"You can also try treating the area with an anti-acne product made with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to reduce the swelling and encourage the follicle to open," explains Frieling. "Guide the hair out of the bump, taking care not to pull it completely out at the root of the hair."
2. Treat the area with an antibacterial ointment or tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties, something that’ll help clear things up and avoid future infection – especially after pulling out the ingrown hair.
3. Avoid shaving or waxing the area
Even if you hate the sight of the hair growing back down there, wait until everything is completely healed before your next manscaping attempt.
4. Apply hydrocortisone cream to the area
This will help reduce itching and irritation. You don’t want to be scratching at your balls all week while things heal, do you?
5. Avoid wearing clothing or constrictive undergarments that rub the area
You probably look great in those skinny jeans, but if you're not giving your skin enough room to breathe, that fabric rubbing against the area does not give the skin room to breathe. If anything, fabric rubbing against the area can be irritating, making things worse in the end.
6. Dry the irritated area as soon as possible after sweating, bathing or swimming
Keeping things dry down there will prevent chafing, removing a level of discomfort as things heal.
7. Avoid squeezing the bumps in an attempt to pop them
Whatever you do, don't treat these penile bumps the same way you'd approach a pimple. "This can cause infection by allowing in bacteria," says Frieling.
How to Make Sure You Never Get Pineapple Penis
If you’re trying to keep pineapple penis from happening to you again (or you’re just trying to prevent having to nickname your groin area after a spiky fruit in general), not having to deal with the wrath of your razor is easy – that is, as long as you're following proper shaving techniques.
1. Use sharp scissors to trim long hairs before shaving
Trimming hair before you shave will make it an easier job on your razor. "Use your index and middle finger to hold the hair away from your skin," advises Frieling. "The scissors should be sharp so that it is easy to cut without having to hack away like you are cutting weeds, which is actually more likely to cause injury."
2. Always use a new razor
"If you use a razor for too long, it has a greater chance of harboring bacteria, and shaving with a bacteria-filled blade can cause little red bumps on your skin," explains Frieling. "The skin on the male groin area is at its thinnest and the hair is especially course in those areas, meaning dull blades can catch fragile skin."
Remember to thoroughly rinse and dry your razor after use to prevent clogging.
3. Soak the area in warm water to soften the hair
Soaking before you shave means hairs won't be as sharp at the ends. In turn, they won't be as likely to pierce the skin should they curl back into it.
4. Apply a generous amount of unscented shaving cream, gel or soap
"If you shave without lubricating your skin first, the blades of the razor can be very harmful on the skin," explains Frieling. "It can cause itchiness and redness post-shaving. It could also result in ingrown hairs which could be painful/irritable."
5. Shave in the direction of the hair growth
Keeping your razor on a straight and steady course will allow for a close shave and help to avoid a close call with pineapple penis.
"Although shaving against the grain can ensure that the hair is cut off very close to the skin, it can increase the risk of razor bumps and skin irritation," says Frieling. And when you're finished, avoid rubbing — pat the skin dry instead, which is less likely to cause irritation.
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via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
Danielle Page, Khareem Sudlow