Stop Worrying: 7 Men’s Insecurities Women DO NOT Care About
September 14, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
We worry so much about the things we don't have.
Men freak out over the size of their junk, the number on their check, and the cars they drive.
But gents, why do we do it?
We think it's for the ladies, but would you believe that they don't care as much as we think?
That's the topic for today's article gentlemen – 7 men's insecurities that women don't give a damn about.
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Click Here To Watch The Video – 7 Male INSECURITIES That Women DON'T Really Care About
1. Your Penis Size
Let's address the elephant in the room. Among the most significant men's insecurities is the size of our penises. A small pecker is frequently used as an insult between us. Claiming to be a big boy can be seen as synonymous with masculinity (though it shouldn't be and isn't).
The evidence contradicts that, though – it doesn't matter to women. In fact, UCLA found that a solid 84% of women don't mind the size.
Furthermore, a 2015 study out of the Public Library of Science discovered that many women only associate large penis sizes with one-night stands. They actually preferred more ‘average' sizes in long-term partners.
So, stop worrying!
2. Do You Need Riches?
This is a paramount concern for most guys. We always wonder how we can compete with the man in the manor, but it's not as big of a deal as it seems.
There are some studies that reinforce the importance of money. However, we gotta look at reality: women will prefer a man who makes less money and spends time with them.

Wealth isn't everything, but work/life balance is.
At a glance, you'd think they want the mansion man, but how hard do you think he works for that money? How often do you believe he spends time with his family?
The answer is “probably not a lot.” Those relationships often end in divorce regardless of wealth. At the end of the day, you don't need millions, but you need balance.
3. A Full Head Of Hair
We always worry about what's to become of our luscious locks. For lots of us, baldness is inevitable and we always see it as our downfall from youth.
What if I told you that baldness actually strengthens your social standing?

You don't need a full head of hair to get the woman of your dreams – in fact, baldness could help you.
That's right – a 2012 study out of the Journal of Social Psychology conducted three separate tests. In them, they found that bald men were seen to be more dominant than fully haired men.
The study even explained that balding men could embrace their bare scalps as tools of power.
4. You Need An Expensive Ride
Another major men's insecurity is material worth – specifically a car.
Fortunately, most ladies don't care about that either!
The Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (what a mouthful) found that even though we justify the hotrods as being for women… we do it for ourselves!

Men get cars to show off to other men, whether we know it or not.
That's right – the study revealed that men experienced a significant boost in testosterone when behind the wheel of a stylish car. It makes us feel bigger, stronger, and badass.
Interestingly enough, we also do it to scare other guys too. Men are more threatened by each other through these displays than we care to admit. Ths harkens back to our primal instincts about scaring potential rivals.
So, what's the moral of this story? If you're getting that new corvette, stop pretending it's to pick up chicks.
5. Height Matters
Before you shorter guys get excited, yes, height does matter – but not as much as you think!
The Journal of Personality & Individual Differences observed a few relationships between men and women from the perspective of male height. They found that while height impacts first impressions, the impact dissipates the longer he is with the same partner.
Females were found to care even less when her man demonstrated desirable traits such as resourcefulness.
In other words, your height doesn't define you!
6. You Need Muscles
Among the most frequent men's insecurities is whether or not you're a hunk. Having a good bod plays a role in attraction, but not in the way you'd think. At the end of the day, it's all about balance.
UCLA looked into this, and they found some interestingly nuanced preferences in women.
For instance, women did rate muscular men as physically attractive – but also volatile and suitable only for brief sexual encounters.
Really brawny men were also rated less attractive than toned and slender men!
The results show that while it's still important to take care of your body, you don't have to be He-Man.
7. A Chiseled Jawline
There's a popular theory called the Universal Facial Attractiveness (UFA) hypothesis. It argues that a chiseled jawline is preferred as a universal ideal for men.
A 2013 examination from the Public Library of Science argues differently.
The testers collected outlines of 180 different human mandibles (90 were men, 90 were women). The results in preference blow the UFA out of the water.

What passes for an ideal jawline is highly subjective and depends on your cultural background.
Facial attractiveness is based more so on regionality and region-specific sexual selection. Essentially, your face shape might be more attractive to women of certain cultures than others.
In short, the so-called “chiseled” jawline is not universally loved. Don't fret!
Summary – Men's Insecurities
As men, we spend too much time worrying about stuff that – at the end of the day – isn't even relevant. Yes, some factors matter, but not as much as we build them up in our heads.
This article is brought to you by Roman – the embarrassment-free solution to premature ejaculation. With Roman, there are no waiting rooms, awkward face-to-face conversations, or uncomfortable trips to the pharmacy. You can handle everything discreetly online.
All you have to do is chat with a licensed US doctor, and get genuine medication delivered to your door in discreet, unmarked packaging, with free 2-day shipping. ED is a problem that guys don’t tackle, but with Roman, it’s simple and secure. Click here to get $10 off your first order of premature ejaculation swipes with Roman.
The post Stop Worrying: 7 Men’s Insecurities Women DO NOT Care About appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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