#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Photography by Kevin Roldan
Introduce yourself.
Hello, my name is Parker Gregory.

How did you get discovered?
My mother, Shelley Gregory, asked her friend ,Tracy Faultry, if I should give the modeling game a try. She took me a local agency in the Houston area, to Millennia Models.
The first year wasn’t a break out to the big game, but it was a start and I was thankful.
I did local jobs in Houston here and there, but nothing big enough to entice me to take it further. I was a terrible student and didn’t want to do college. I was planning on the military then a civil service job, like my grandfather and my father.
I took a trip to Los Angeles with my cousin, Mike Silva, and a buddy, Jeff Robinson, to visit our friend Meredith Moore (now Xavier).
The story of the meetings with the agencies are pretty funny. Maybe it’s because I was green to business, but my Texas roots were there.

What has been your favorite memory in the modeling industry to date?
Tough question... I’ve had a lot of memorable moments and I’m not going to single any of them out. Keep it diplomatic amongst the clients.
If you could pass the torch and give advice to an upcoming model, what words would you offer?
Don’t be a dick. You’re not better than anyone else on set. You’re not royalty. Treat everyone on set with respect. They are there loving their job and their opportunity to create a picture just as you are. Without them, you don’t have a job.

Aside from modeling, what makes you come alive? What are you passionate about?
I love my family, I love sports, and the outdoors.
This past year after many years away from competing in endurance sports and coaching cycling athletes, I jumped back into the game.
It’s tough training consistently for triathlons when you travel, but it’s still fun.
Three things that you can’t live without?
My wife, my kid, and the air we breathe.

Do you have any strategies in running your social media platforms?
Nope. Just post when I feel like it. If you have a business page you’re running, then run that image and it’s ok if that image transforms as time goes.
What is your exercise routine/type? Also, to keep healthy, what types of food do you eat?
Right now, my main focus is triathlon. Hard with the travel, so I do what I can when on the road. When I’m home, I hit the pool as much as possible. Then I alternate days on the bike and the run. Stretch and recover! Luckily my wife is a chiropractor. Amazing! And then of course my own recovery maintenance. Stretch, foam roll, yoga (I’m terrible but I do it).
Now to the food. Eating healthy doesn’t mean boring. Food is fuel. If you fill up with shitty fuel you’re gonna run like shit. Read and ask people questions. Erin and I cook the majority of our meals. We keep it simple, tasty, and nutritious.
What’s next for you? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Alive, and hopefully with a long running fragrance and beauty contract.
I would love to be hosting a show. I love talking to people and having great moments.
Catch up with Parker online!

via https://www.DMTBeautySpot.com
The Editors of Men's Fashion Post, Khareem Sudlow