Science Of Love: 7 Things Men Do That WILL NEVER Attract Women
August 10, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
How can we attract women? What are they thinking? What do they want from us?
These are questions that every guy asks, often to no avail. Unfortunately, it's often not the ladies, it's you.
So, what can you do? Gentlemen, you're in luck. There is scientific research out there that can help you along.
That's the topic of today's article. We're going over seven unattractive things men do that women can't stand, and we're backing it up with science.
This article is brought to you by Tiege Hanley. My great friend Aaron Marino founded Tiege as a way to simplify skincare for men. Tiege delivers all the products you need to your doorstep each month – or on your own custom schedule – with clear instructions on exactly how much of what to use when.
Tiege's high-quality men's skincare products include a complete anti-aging system and their new acne system. Each comes in different levels depending on how much you want to invest in your skin. Click here to enhance your handsome with Tiege!
Click Here To Watch The Video – 7 Reasons Girls Think YOU Are UNATTRACTIVE (Backed By Science)!
- You Smell Familiar
- She Earns More Money
- Being Too Happy
- Placing Her On A Pedestal
- Bad Grooming Habits
- Bad Language
- You're Not Over Your Ex
Alright gents, let's get into it
1. You Smell Like Her Dad
Let's kick things off with a 2003 study from the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Adults were tested for the ability to identify others based on odors. They managed to tell their family and friends apart based purely on the smell!
What does this tell us?
It serves as evidence that our olfactory sense plays a large role in incest avoidance. This essentially means that we are trained to find smells we associate with family to be sexually unattractive.
Avoid smelling like her dad by choosing your own signature fragrance. Experiment with different fragrances. Believe it or not, different fragrances react differently with your unique chemical makeup.
Don't try to be familiar, be yourself.
2. She Earns More Than You Do
It sucks, but it's a fact.
A 2015 study out of the Quarterly Journal of Economics examined this behavior. They found that if the woman earned more than her husband, there tended to be a sharp decline in marital happiness.
This was made worse when the woman performed household chores WHILE making more money. Gents, you can't blame her at that point.

If she spends money taking care of you while you laze around, she'll start to see you as a waste of space.
Overall, these couples were dangerously likely to divorce each other.
There's nothing wrong with making less than your lady, but clear boundaries need to be communicated with regards to the contributions of each partner.
3. Being TOO Happy
Can the ladies be turned off by happiness? Yes, they can.
In 2011, the University of British Columbia examined the relative sexual attractiveness of individuals based on emotions. The results were quite intriguing!
Though happiness was rated the most attractive trait in women by men, it was found that the opposite was true for women.

You can be a happy man, just don't go jumping for joy every few seconds.
Happiness was at the bottom of the barrel, with pride taking the cake as the most attractive trait in men. Even shame displays were rated higher.
This doesn't mean you need to be a brooding silent type to attract women, but it does mean you shouldn't go over the top with joy.
Balance is key in all things, so be sure to show her that you're in control of your emotions.
4. You Put Her On A Pedestal
Believe it or not, women don't like to be treated like fragile princesses. They value honesty, and there's proof for it.
A 2014 study out of the Journal of Social & Personal Relationships examined 99 couples by having them fill out questionnaires. These forms asked them about the best qualities in their partners.

Women do not like being put on pedestals. Do you know what else gets put on pedestals? Trophies – objects.
Afterward, researchers allowed the couples to sit on a couch. Those who believed their partners over-idealized them sat as far away from each other on the couch as they could. This was physical evidence that women found false praise to be unattractive.
How do you fix this? Easy; don't put them on a pedestal.
5. Your Grooming Habits Suck
We conducted a survey ourselves to see if women would consider dating a man with poor grooming habits. Nine out of ten women said no.
Oh, and the tenth? She misunderstood the question and wanted to change her answer.
A simple way to attract women is to care about your appearance. Keep your hair neat, take regular trips to the barber and don't let your beard get out of control.
Most importantly? It's critical that you adopt a rigid skincare routine to keep you looking your absolute best. It can be tough, but that's why I love Tiege Hanley – they do all the work for you.
6. Sh*t! Bad Language
Most people understand that poor language is rude, but is there any evidence to suggest men do it more?
Allow me to refer you to two sources: A 2013 survey out of Marist College and a 2015 study out of the Journal of Language Sciences.
In the survey, a group of American adults was tasked with keeping track of every instance they cursed over the course of a year. The results were then compared to a similar survey conducted in 1986.
There was a substantial increase across the board, but mainly in the “F” and “S” words.

The frontal cortex of the brain governs aggression. It's smaller in men, meaning we're angrier by nature.
Now, let's pivot toward the study…
Researchers investigated why it was that men tended more toward curse words than women. Recent discoveries revealed that females had larger orbitofrontal cortexes in the brain. This area of the brain actually regulates aggression.
Since our cerebral equivalent is smaller we simply have more trouble controlling our anger than women do. This forges a link between our biology and our propensity to say obscenities.
In order to attract women, you're going to have to control it as much as you can.
7. You're Not Over Your Ex
Finally, if you're having trouble moving past an ex, then it may hurt your chances with future relationships.
A fascinating article in Psychology Today, written in 2018, elaborated on some healthy ways to get over one's ex:
- Negative appraisal: Reminding yourself why it didn't work out, and reaffirming it as the right decision.
- Reappraisal of good feelings: Reassuring yourself that it's perfectly acceptable to have a cordial relationship with your ex.
- Distraction: Engage in activities and hobbies that take your mind off them.
Do not use a potential partner as an emotional repository.
It also helps to remember that your new girlfriend is not your therapist. It's perfectly ok to open up and be honest about your feelings, but if you smother that on someone whom you are exploring a new relationship with, it won't end well.
In Summary – Attracting Women
- You Smell Familiar
- She Earns More Money
- Being Too Happy
- Placing Her On A Pedestal
- Bad Grooming Habits
- Bad Language
- You're Not Over Your Ex
More often than not, sexual attraction is rooted in scientific and psychological factors. Despite this, men can control how they operate within them and make themselves as attractive as possible to the ladies.
This article is brought to you by Tiege Hanley. My great friend Aaron Marino founded Tiege as a way to simplify skincare for men. Tiege delivers all the products you need to your doorstep each month – or on your own custom schedule – with clear instructions on exactly how much of what to use when.
Tiege's high-quality men's skincare products include a complete anti-aging system and their new acne system. Each comes in different levels depending on how much you want to invest in your skin. Click here to enhance your handsome with Tiege!
The post Science Of Love: 7 Things Men Do That WILL NEVER Attract Women appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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