DMT Beauty Transformation: 7 Definite Signs That It’s Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go)
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7 Definite Signs That It’s Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go)

August 25, 2019DMT.NEWS

#DMTBeautySpot #beauty

People often live in denial.

They do a job they don't want to do, be in a relationship they don't want to be in and live their lives different to their desires.

The key to living a happy life is knowing when and how to let go.

7 Definite Signs It's Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go)


Click Here To Watch The Video – 7 Undeniable Signs It's Time To Quit (Job, Relationship, Habits)

  1. You've Done It
  2. You Were Deceived
  3. Change Of Perspective
  4. It Doesn't Work
  5. Toxic Behavior
  6. You Are Not Satisfied
  7. The Wrong Person

And in today's article, I show you some clear signs that it's time for you move on.

So let's get to it, gentlemen!


1. You've Done It

Let's face it – sometimes, you simply reach the top.

If you're lucky enough to reach the big goal you've set for yourself – maybe it's time to look for a new one.

I am by no means telling you to work hard for a big promotion and then when you get it – you quit.

man marking a task done

Remember that there is always a bigger goal to strive for!

What I am telling you is that if you got the promotion you worked hard for and you think you could do more, then do it.

Never limit yourself to doing just enough. It will only make things complicated for you and it will leave you feeling unsatisfied in the long term.

The best way to achieve your goals is to set smaller goals – with each being bigger than the previous one.

Each time you reach your goal, move on to the next one.

By doing this, you prepare yourself for bigger steps and bigger goals and it will give you the motivation to reach them, knowing you've done it in the past.


2. You Were Deceived

As we all know, people are very good at deceiving each other.

Whether we like it or not, people who get ahead by lying to others are getting more and more common.

It's not your fault, however, if you believe someone who claims they're trying to help you out or make your life better – but is actually only looking out for themselves.

man tricking another man

Not everyone has the best intentions for you – no matter how they present themselves.

If you're faced with a situation like this – then you need to know it's time to move on.

But the million-dollar question is how do I let go?

The answer? Make yourself a priority.

If you notice that someone uses you for their own gain, flip the script. Don't allow them to manipulate you into doing things for them that they wouldn't do for you.

Once you learn how to recognize someone's true intentions, you will be able to start removing those negative people from your life.


3. Change Of Perspective

As time passes by, we grow older and wiser.

Your priorities change with time – as does your perspective.

Suddenly, the things you once found very important aren't such a big deal anymore. Perhaps you've started a family or developed other interests along the way.

family day

Your priorities change over time – make sure you embrace them!

Learn how to embrace the positive experiences in life and learn how to let go of things that are less important.

If you have a new hobby or a new interest that makes you feel better about yourself – then pursue it. You never know where you may find your true passion.

The key here is to learn how to take on new challenges and how to let go of things that don't fit into your life anymore.

You should have a list of priorities and let it guide you through life.


4. It Doesn't Work

At times, you will be forced to take up a job which doesn't interest you or is not in your field.

A 2017 study by Jonathan Dirlam concluded that having a job that doesn't satisfy you can cause stress and mental health problems.

You will have no motivation to work, going to work will become a drag and the people around you, including your boss, will notice that.

man sleeping at work

Picking the wrong job can make you demotivated and feeling unsatisfied.

If you find yourself in this position, the best thing you can do is simply let go and look for something else.

However, I realize this is not always an option.

If that is the case, then you should talk to your superiors – maybe they have a place for you in a different part of the company.

Express your thoughts, wishes, and ambitions to those who can make a change for you and try to work out a plan in which both sides are happy.

If it's still not working out – look for a different job where you'll be happier.


5. Toxic Behavior

When we think of toxic behavior, our minds automatically jump to some people we've run into throughout our lives.

These days, it is inevitable that you will meet someone with a toxic personality and who will treat you poorly.

It may be a colleague at work, a friend, a family member or even a significant other.

one man yelling at the other

The best thing to do with toxic people is to cut them out of your life.

Before you completely give up and let go of the person who's treating you like this, there are some things you can do to make the situation better.

First of all, communicate. Talk to whoever is treating you badly and see if you can reach a compromise. Quite often, people aren't even aware their behavior makes someone feel uncomfortable. Make sure you let them know – as you may be the person who will help them to change.

If other people notice that behavior too, then ask them to help you out. That way, it won't look like a personal attack, but rather as a concerned group of people trying to help.

In the event that neither of these work, you should do yourself a favor and end the relationship.


6. You Are Not Satisfied

In every job, friendship or relationship, you will have ups and downs.

Sometimes things are going great and sometimes you can't catch a break.

This is not unusual and everyone goes through times like these.

man talking to another man

If you think you can be more useful in another part of your company, talk to your superiors and find a solution.

It becomes an issue, however, when the risk is greater than the reward. When every day, the thought of quitting gets more and more attractive.

Then, it is time to act.

Look at all of the things you can do to help change the situation.

If it means you have to change your perspective and attitude, then work towards that. If you have issues with another person, resolve them.

And if the problem cannot be fixed – let go.

You will have a clear conscience and you will be able to work on yourself and the things that make you happy.


7. The Wrong Person

Picking the wrong significant other is one of the worst things you can do.

If you lack the love, support, and friendship from your partner, you could end up feeling broken and down all the time.

You should search for someone who will be there for you through thick and thin and you shouldn't settle for anything less.

man talking to a girl

Before you give up on your relationship, try to find common ground with your significant other.

But what do you do if things aren't perfect in your relationship?

The most important thing is to narrow down the problem and see if it's worth saving. You shouldn't stay in a relationship for the wrong reasons.

If the problem is fixable – give it a chance. Talk to your partner, provide solutions on how to fix the issues in your relationship and come up with a plan together.

As a worst-case scenario – if the problem is not fixable and it's not worth saving…

Let. Go.

You will feel much better and both of you will make space in your lives for someone better to come in.


Summary: 7 Definite Signs It's Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go)

So let's review the biggest signs that it's time you let go and move on with your life.

  1. You've Done It
  2. You Were Deceived
  3. Change Of Perspective
  4. It Doesn't Work
  5. Toxic Behavior
  6. You Are Not Satisfied
  7. The Wrong Person

There you go, gentlemen. I've given you the problems – and the solutions. Make sure you use them and live a happier life!


The post 7 Definite Signs That It’s Time To Call It Quits (How To Let Go) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.



Antonio, Khareem Sudlow

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