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Let's talk about men's issues.
There's no doubt that women have plenty of legitimate issues, but don't we as well?
As men, there are plenty of problems that only we experience – be they physical or social.
So how do we deal with them?
Gentlemen, today I'm covering 5 issues unique to men and how to deal with them.
This article is brought to you by Roman – the embarrassment-free solution to erectile dysfunction. With Roman there are no waiting rooms, awkward face-to-face conversations, or uncomfortable trips to the pharmacy. You can handle everything discreetly online.
All you have to do is chat with a licensed US doctor, and get genuine medication delivered to your door in discreet, unmarked packaging, with free 2-day shipping. ED is a problem that guys don’t tackle, but with Roman, it’s simple and secure. Click here to claim your FREE online visit with Roman.
Click Here To Watch The Video – 5 Problems Only Guys Have (And How To Solve Them)
- The Hover Hand
- We're Always Supposed To Be In The Mood
- We Have To Make The First Move
- We Die Much Sooner
- We Suck At Emotions
1. The Hover Hand
First on our list is the infamous hover hand. What is it? It refers to instances where men put their arms around a woman without touching her, usually while posing for a picture.
Don't get me wrong, there are gods among us who manage to pull it off. Keanu Reeves drew a lot of positive press by doing it on a regular basis.
For us mortals, however, it doesn't have the same effect. In fact, it sends a clear signal that you lack confidence. The more beautiful the woman, the more prominently the hover hand appears.
How to fix this? Easy: Reciprocate.
If you're posing with a woman and she gets up against you or puts her own arm around you, it's perfectly ok to return the gesture.
2. We're Always Expected To Be “In The Mood”
As men, we have to deal with a number of stereotypes. One of them is that we're always ready to get busy. Sometimes, we conform to that pressure even when we don't want to.
According to therapists, the evidence points to the contrary. In a survey of 200 men, an interesting trend showed up: Sex stops being a priority for men over 40.
Factors like the job, family, and other responsibilities take precedence.
Another finding was that when men feel emotionally distant from their partner, their sexual desire is greatly lessened.
Not in the mood? That's ok.
3. We Always Have To Make The First Move
Building off a little from point 2, another men's issue is the fact that we're obliged to make the first move.
Don't believe me? Let's talk statistics. A 2011 study found that 94% of women expect to be asked out as opposed to 16% of men. However, that percentage of men far outweighs the 6% of women who would rather ask first.
This means we're more likely to experience rejection as well.
Gentlemen, there's just no getting around it. You're probably going to be making the first move whether you like it or not.
The best way to learn is practice. The more you try approaching women, the better you'll learn to deal with rejection, and the higher your likelihood of success.
4. We Die Much Sooner
It sucks, but men die faster than women.
A 2016 article out of the Harvard Medical Blog cited some alarming statistics:
- 57% of people over 67 are women.
- 67% of people over 85 are women.
- On average, women outlive us for 5 years.

Remember to keep up with your yearly medical checkups.
Why does this happen? A few factors come into play.
Firstly, biology is a big factor. The frontal lobe of our brains develop much slower than women, increasing the likelihood of us taking unnecessary risks.
We're 50% more likely to die from preventable heart conditions, such as high cholesterol and untreated blood pressure.
Be careful and go to the doctor, gents!
5. We Suck At Emotions
Society tells men they can't express emotions besides anger, and that's a men's issue more people need to address.
We're under constant pressure to emulate the “Marlboro Man”; tough, independent, and perpetually stoic character. This applies to men all over the globe. This results in a condition called Normative Male Alexithymia (NMA), where men bottle their emotions and fail to express them productively thanks to societal factors.

Make sure to express your emotions in a productive way.
Gents, it is absolutely critical that you admit to yourself that it's ok to feel sad, happy, or sensitive. Act accordingly – seek help when needed and express yourself to your friends and family.
Summary – 5 Men's Issues We All Deal With
- The Hover Hand
- We're Always Supposed To Be In The Mood
- We Have To Make The First Move
- We Die Much Sooner
- We Suck At Emotions
It's not easy, but the good news is that most of these issues can be overcome. It takes a man who is honest enough with himself to realize the challenges before him and take the necessary steps to fix them.
Are you that man?
This article is brought to you by Roman – the embarrassment-free solution to erectile dysfunction. With Roman there are no waiting rooms, awkward face-to-face conversations, or uncomfortable trips to the pharmacy. You can handle everything discreetly online.
All you have to do is chat with a licensed US doctor, and get genuine medication delivered to your door in discreet, unmarked packaging, with free 2-day shipping. ED is a problem that guys don’t tackle, but with Roman, it’s simple and secure. Click here to claim your FREE online visit with Roman.
The post Men’s Issues: 5 Problems That ONLY Guys Deal With appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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Antonio, Khareem Sudlow