Looking to Unleash Your Inner Ali? Find the Right Boxing Class Here
July 12, 2019DMT.NEWS#DMTBeautySpot #beauty
Which Type of Boxing Class Is Right for You?
Boxing is more popular than ever, and with good reason — it’s fast-paced cardio, strength training and a major stress reliever, all in one.
Aside from the visible benefits of becoming more toned (and you definitely will want to indulge in some mirror self-admiration after a few classes), there are many other added advantages to taking up boxing. According to Harvard Health, these include improved hand-eye coordination, increased alertness, high endorphin rush leading to a better mood, and better posture and balance. Boxing is also an exercise in mindfulness, requiring participants to be present and focused on the combinations at hand.
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With an increasing number of boxing studios popping up across the country, it can be overwhelming — especially for a beginner — to figure out where and how to get started. Muay Thai, kickboxing or bag work? We talked to a few experts on how to jab, cross and hook your way into this killer workout, without getting yourself killed.
Boxing for Fitness vs. Boxing for Self-Defense and Competition

Before you lace up your shoes and put your gloves on, you need to figure out why you’re boxing: to get in better shape or to learn self-defense skills? Ideally, it will be a mix of the two, but this really depends on the studio and teacher. The former kind of boxing workout is more common and something you’ll find in health clubs and fitness studios, focusing on punching combinations (cross, hook, jab, uppercut, bob-and-weave, etc.) executed on heavy bags or striking pads.
Gerry Pinzon, a New York-based boxing instructor, notes that the impetus for the practice’s popularity is the fitness element. “The fitness world fell in love with boxing due to the level of exhaustion one reaches in a relatively short period of time (and the fact that hitting things hard is satisfying and entertaining in a way that most cardio activities are not),” he says. “Combined with a good strength routine (weights, calisthenics, etc.), it makes for a complete workout.”
Finding a martial arts studio where boxing is practiced objectively for self-defense or competition can be a little more difficult, and it is typically not as beginner-friendly. “If taking the occasional whack to the face is unacceptable to you (as it is to many), this type of training would not be suitable,” says Pinzon.
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“It also requires a great deal of physical concentration, because the techniques you perform must be functional and executed with precision,” he adds. “In a group boxing class, you can throw hundreds of mindless, poorly performed punches, and still get a great workout. Do that in a boxing gym, and your trainer will smack you with the pads. Do that in the ring, and you'll be missing a bunch of punches as someone is kicking your ass.”
As with any sport, if you practice boxing long enough you’ll soon advance your skills. Boxers who start out in technique-focused fitness classes could eventually do man-to-man combat in the ring. This type of sparring is not for beginners unless they have a burning desire to get smacked in the face a bit.
Bags or No Bags?

Now that we’ve figured out your reason for boxing, you need to decide if you want a low-to-no impact class without bag hits or a higher impact class where you rail on a punching pad for an hour?
Shadowboxing: Is a type of boxing played out against an imaginary opponent (your shadow), throwing punches at the air. It can be practiced on its own, or as a warm-up to condition muscles and focus on technique. Shadowboxing and similar variations are great for less serious boxers, for older adults or someone with joint problems.
On-the-Bag Boxing: is exactly what it sounds like, landing punches on a heavy bag, usually 100 pounds or more. To do this, you’ll need the proper equipment — hand wraps and boxing gloves, generally offered in the 12oz, 14oz and 16oz sizes. The heavier gloves give more protection but will also add a bit of weight to your arms – ideal if you’re looking to ink out some extra muscle gains in the session. Wearing one pound on each hand may not seem like a lot, but when you’re firing combinations away you’ll quickly tire out if the gloves are too heavy.
Types of Boxing Classes
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Many studios incorporate bag work into their classes, so the next step is figuring out which type of class you should take
Kickboxing: is best if you want a full-body workout, performing sequences with hands and legs. If you have any lower body pain, like knee problems, stick to regular boxing — the upper body and core strengthening will be enough exercise. Check out somewhere like I Love Kickboxing! if you want to throw punches and kicks.
Cardio and HIIT: Many gyms will mix in cardio and HIIT as part of the workout; New York cult studio Rumble incorporates three rounds of strength and conditioning with dumbbells in between rounds of punching on the punching bag, before finishing with some ab blasts. Rumble classes always start with a run-through of the six punches that will be executed in class, so first-timers have nothing to worry about.
David Neuman, Rumble trainer says that this is the best part of the studio. “Whether you're a pro fighter, or you've never thrown a punch. You know you're going to have a great workout and have fun doing it,” he says.”The great thing is, its go at your own pace. So as you improve the workout stays just as challenging.”
Neuman also notes that when HIIT exercises are mixed in with the punches, it ups the fat loss because you continue to burn calories for up to four hours after the workout.
Entire Boxing Training Process: Most fitness studios will differ in the variety of classes they offer; whereas Rumble offers one type of class, gyms like Everybody Fights teach classes that hit on every stage of the boxing training process, with circuit training, heavy bag classes, treadmill training to boost endurance, even yoga classes for recovery. Reid Eichelberger, head trainer at the Philadelphia location, tells AskMen that the studio’s “MITT” and “FIGHT” classes are great for all levels, but the “TRAIN” and “BAGS” classes are the easiest options to start learning, and they will still leave you super sweaty and feeling accomplished.
Private Boxing Lessons: Celeb-favorite studio Dogpound offers exclusively private and small group classes, a great option for beginners looking to get the one-on-one attention they need. Their rates can be a little pricey for a first-timer — $175 for a single private session — but it's worth the investment if you’re looking to fast track your boxing creds.
Rhys Athayde, one of Dogpound’s founding trainers, explains how these private sessions allow for a bespoke approach to technique and create a lasting relationship between trainer and client. “After dynamic stretching, I teach technique — all the way from the basics to more advanced work, depending on the client's experience. This includes proper stance, which is absolutely fundamental to any progress," he says.
He notes that stance is the foundation of a boxing practice, the building block for all moves to come. “In boxing, your power and success come from a correctly balanced stance and properly placed feet. From there, I add punches one-by-one to their repertoire, and lots of shadowboxing, heavy bag work, and mitt work, so they can move onto combinations and sparring.”
Find a Boxing Class Near You
I Love Kickboxing!: Locations across the country
Rumble Boxing: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Washington D.C.
Everybody Fights: Boston, New York, Lexington, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta
Dogpound: New York, Los Angeles
Overthrow NYC: New York & Brooklyn
BoxUnion: Santa Monica
UFC Gym: Locations across the country
9Round: Portland, OR
The Corner: Boulder, CO
Punch It Out
Whether it’s your first boxing class ever or you’re an addicted practitioner looking to change up your routine, it’s important to just get in the studio and punch it out. Don’t let the pros intimidate you, because everyone had to start somewhere. You’ll start to notice the benefits of the practice soon enough.
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